Rachel Ho

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Rachel Ho is an IMPART T32 post-doctoral research fellow. She completed her BS and MS degree in Kinesiology at California State University Long Beach. Her undergraduate and master’s research investigated the utility of motor learning techniques. Rachel completed her PhD in the LRNlab in 2023. Her dissertation focused on investigating the brain activity of individuals with chronic low back pain using resting EEG and EEG in combination with virtual reality. Her post-doctoral research in centered around better understanding cognitive impairment in individuals with heart failure. She has presented her work at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity and Society for Neuroscience Conferences. She spends her free time chasing her daughter and dog around the house, working out, and gardening.

Research Interests

Rachel’s current research focuses on individuals with heart failure and is associated with the following two questions: 1) When heart failure symptoms fluctuate, does cognitive function fluctuate with it? 2) Can EEG measures predict heart failure symptoms and cognitive function across time?

Selected Publications

  • Park, J., Ho, R.L.M., Wang, W., Nguyen, V.Q., & Coombes, S.A. (2024). The effect of age on alpha rhythms in the human brain derived from source localized resting-state electroencephalography. Neuroimage, 292, 1-11.
  • Ho, R.L.M., Park, J., Wang, W., Thomas, J.S., Cruz-Almeida, Y., Coombes, S.A. (2023). Lower individual alpha frequency in individuals with chronic low back pain and fear of movement. PAIN DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003098
  • Park, J., Nguyen, V., Ho, R.L.M., and Coombes, S.A. (2023). The effect of chronic low back pain on postural control during quiet standing: A meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 13, 7928
  • Ho, R.L.M., Wang, W., van der Veen, S., Antony, A., Thomas, J., Coombes, S.A. (2022).Behavioral and neurophysiological measures of movement inhibition during a Go/no-go full body reaching task. Scientific Reports, 12, 15604.
  • Hess, C.W., Gatto, B., Chung, J.W., Ho, R.L.M., Wang, W., Shukla, A., Vaillancourt, D.E. (2020) Cortical oscillations in cervical dystonia and dystonic tremor. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 1, 1-13
  • Wang, W., Ho, R.L.M., Gatto, B., van der Veen, S.M., Underation, M.K., Thomas, J.S., Antony, Antony, A.B., Coombes, S.A. (2020) Cortical dynamics of movement- evoked pain in chronic low back pain. Journal of Physiology, 1-17
  • Wang, W., Ho, R.L.M., Gatto, B., van der Veen, S.M., Underation, M.K., Thomas, J.S., Antony, A.B., Coombes, S.A. (2020) A novel method to understand neural oscillations during full-body reaching: A combined EEG and 3D virtual reality study. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 1558-0210
  • Wang, W., Ho, R.L.M., Ribeiro-Dasilva, M.C., Fillingim, R.B., Coombes, S.A. (2020). Chronic jaw pain attenuates neural oscillations during motor-evoked pain. Brain Research, 1748.
  • Wang, W., Roy, A., Misra, G., Ho, R.L.M., Riberio-Dasilva, M., Fillingim, R., Coombes, S.A. (2019). Altered neural oscillations within and between sensorimotor cortex and parietal Cortex in chronic jaw pain. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, 101964.
  • Roy, A., Wang, W., Ho, R.L.M., Riberio-Dasilva, M., Fillingim, R., Coombes, S.A. (2018). Functional brain activity during motor control and pain processing in chronic jaw pain. Pain, 159(12), 2547-2564
  • Coombes, S.A., Wang, W., Roy, A., Ho, R.L.M. (2018). Neurophysiological evidence of the dynamic and adaptive pain-motor interaction. The Journal of Physiology, 596(14), 2639-2640.
  • Wu, W. F., Young, D. E., Schandler, S. L., Meir, G., Judy, R. L.M., Perez, J., & Cohen, M. J. (2011). Contextual interference and augmented feedback: is there an additive effect for motor learning? Human Movement Science, 30(6), 1092- 1101.