There are four laboratories totaling approximately 1500 sq feet and one 250 square data processing laboratory. In addition, there is 1200 square foot of office space dedicated to the personnel working with the LRN group and dedicated for computing and printing, software and hardware development, and scientific meetings amongst collaborators. The laboratory is less than 1 mile from the CTSI Human Imaging Center facility within the McKnight Brain Institute where the 3T magnet is housed. The laboratory has ongoing studies in rodent that uses the 11T and 4.7T magnets in the McKnight Brain Institute.
Computing and Software
There are several LINUX Dell Precision T7500 computers that are all configured to run the fMRI analysis software (e.g. FIASCO, AFNI, FSL, SUMA). We also have over 50 core processors in the High Performance Computing Center at UF. We have multiple machines configured for Windows. The personnel in the PI’s laboratory have direct access to all LINUX and HPC cores. All of these computers are linked via sFTP to the AMRIS facility and backup storage in the College of HHP. Finally, there are four Dell Precision m4600 laptops for fMRI data collection and analysis, and two Dell Inspiron Laptops for data entry and analysis. All windows machines are equipped with LabView and MATLAB for data collection and analysis of the force output data recorded during fMRI. Finally, we have a Motion Monitor system (version 8) running on a Dell Precision T3500. The Motion Monitor system integrates and synchronizes wireless EMG, 256 Biosemi EEG, Vicon Bonita 10 camera system, and up to 16 24 bit A/D signals. The laboratory has over 30 TB of storage dedicated for neuroimaging research studies. The laboratory maintains an active license for EMSE from Source Signal for electrophysiological analysis. The laboratory maintains a software license for MATLAB, LabView, Canvas, SigmaPlot, SPSS, and Endnote.
Office Space
The LRN maintains over 1200 square feet of office space in the College of Health and Human Performance. The laboratory includes offices for research personnel, research meetings, data processing, and two large rooms for data collection. All offices connect to a general computing area where all of the imaging analysis computers and printers are housed.
Major Equipment
- Si425 Bragg Grating Fiber optic system for human force data acquisition in MRI using Anthro security cart
- Sm130-500 Bragg Grating Fiber optic system for human force data acquisition in MRI using Anthro security cart
- Sm130-500 Bragg Grating Fiber optic system for rat force data acquisition in MRI using Anthro security cart
- Equipment for manufacturing MRI compatible force sensors ranging from 1 N to 700 N
- MRI compatible force sensors (5 1 N sensors); (10 50 N sensors); (5 150 N sensors); (2 700 N sensors)
- Integrated grip force setup for measuring electromyography and 256 channel Biosemi EEG
- Six measurement specialties load cells for grip force measurement in laboratory setting
- Manipulanda for measuring elbow and ankle movement and torque
- Two Coulbourn amplifier systems for force, torque, and movement recordings
- Six Vicon Bonita 10 cameras with Nexus software
- Eight wireless Delsys Trigno Sensors
- Two Medoc Pathway System for Pain and Sensory Evaluation – used in MRI and laboratory settings
- Delsys dEMG System, includes surface array sensor, 16 channel EMG, load cell, and software
- BISTIM² TMS system – 2 Magstim 2002 units, UI controller, connecting module, D70 coils, & double cone coil
- High Definition tDCS system – Soterix MxN Stimulator
- Motion Monitor version 8 for biomechanical analysis, biofeedback, integration and synchronization of Vicon, 256 Channel EEG, Delsys Trigno Sensors, elbow and ankle movement and torque measurements
- Kinesia accelerometry and EMG device for tremor assessment at home and during daily activities
- Purdue Pegboard
- Hand and grip force dynamometers
- Clinical scales for cognitive testing and motor testing
- Laboratory equipment for manufacturing cables and sensors